January 08, 2013

Rene Gruau.

For my brief at college I was researching into illustrators and fashion illustrations.
One of my favourites so far is Rene Gruau, 1909, Italian born fashion illustrator. 

I created this using Photoshop. 2012.

On a recent blog I showed you how I recreated one his pieces, the image I created is on the bottom left corner of the above image and is one of my favourites of Rene's.
I really like the effect he has with paint, before recreating and looking into Rene's work I hated using paint and was never very good at it but I have come to enjoy it and like the outcome. Although I prefer doing block colours and not blending etc.
His paintings are all very feminine and pretty. Many of his paintings are women and a lot of them as you can see use red.

When creating my illustration boards for college I used Rene's technique and style as I thought it fitted with my theme of Noir as it is feminine but sleek and sexy. Especially the bottom left corner - the one I recreated.

What do you think of his work?

Do you have any favourite illustrators?


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